How can we solve chicken manure problem in Poland?

As one of the largest producers of chicken manure in Europe, Polish poultry farmers face problems with organic waste management. The problem of manure is mainly related to the way it is stored and managed. Insufficient management of manure can lead to uncontrolled emissions of methane, carbon dioxide or ammonia. While the adequate amount can fertilize the soil, excessive amounts can lead to serious soil and water contamination.

With the introduction of new environmental directives, incompetent manure storage not only is  problematic, but also costly, considering environmental charges and possible fines. In addition, by 2030, Poland must reduce its coal consumption, which will also affect domestic poultry farmers, most of whom use it to heat their poultry houses.

A solution that will allow for running a poultry farm in a sustainable manner with benefits for both the entrepreneur and the environment is to invest in a biogas plant. With the innovative biogas technology from Botres, up to 100% of the chicken manure can be used for biogas production. Through its conversion, the entrepreneur can change the source of energy from coal used so far to green energy. The change will not only have an positive impact on the environment but will also save a lot of money and allow the company to adapt more quickly to the changes brought by the new climate law.

Biogas solves the problem with chicken litter. Anaerobic digestion provides high-quality fertiliser. Not only is it rich in valuable ingredients, but it is also cleaned of unnecessary additives such as weed seeds and pathogenic microorganisms. All this makes it easier for plants to absorb. In addition, the fertiliser coming out of the biogas plant is in the form of ammonium instead of other nitrogen compounds. This change does not affect the deterioration of growing conditions, but reduces the costs associated with the use of mineral fertilisers

The cleaner air in the area is also worth mentioning. Not only are CO2 emissions lower, but air is free of the unpleasant smells associated with waste disposal.

An investment in biogas plants has many benefits, not only related to getting rid of excess manure, but in return it gives valuable fertiliser and clean energy. The whole process does not have a negative impact on the environment, and the farmer investing in renewable energy sources does not have to fear that through future changes in climate law he will have to pay additional fees for e.g. carbon dioxide emissions. The development will have a positive impact on the environment, while the farmer will save capital and adapt to upcoming changes.

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