We are celebrating 10 years anniversary of Botres Global! Since 2012 Botres Global has developed from Engineering to EPC. Recently, we could open a new chapter in company’s history: investing into our own plants. 10 years ago Stefan Kromus and Markus Grasmug established Botres Global and more than 20 years since they started to work in the business.
Over the years, the company has grown and became a recognised biogas brand. Botres Global has gained many important customers and collaborators, whom we would like to thank for their trust in us and in our technology.
Since 2012 our company has been developing turn-key industrial biogas plants. Our full-scale plants process unnecessary organic waste and residues, converting them into heat, green electricity or biomethane. We process digestate into compost and clean water, soon we will also be producing animal feed from the waste.
During these 10 years we have built several reference installations. A year ago, our newest installation in Spain has already started processing organic waste from Island of Ibiza, which is converted into electricity. Recently, we started investing into our own project in the Czech Republic together with our partners. In the future, we are planning more own investments across EU.
Today we can boast efficient reference installations in Europe and worldwide. Since the very beginning we design and build our own technology only. In doing so, we pursue an industrial approach and enable the consistent implementation of net zero emissions We are proud that our work matters and contributes to reducing greenhouse emissions by producing sustainable energy from organic waste and residues.